• +252617560138
  • info@hapen-hapen.org


Horn of Africa Peace Network (HAPEN) is a not-for-profit making and Non-Governmental Organization that was established in 2008 in response to immense suffering caused by protracted civil strife from 1991. The organization is registered both in Kenya and Somalia. HAPEN works to provide relief emergency and other humanitarian support to the affected populations in Somalia while building their capacity to reduce their vulnerability. The organization serves different groups including pastoralists, farming, agro-pastoralists, fishing, urban, rural, returnees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). In Somalia, HAPEN operates in 12 districts namely Kismayo, Afmadow and Badhaadhe in (Lower Juba), Eelbarde, Rabdhure and Atto (Bakool Region), Gedo ( Garbaharey, Baardheere (the capital), Ceel Waaq in the south and Belet Xaawo, Doloow, and Luuq in the North).The core broad areas of focus are Livelihood and Food Security, Health, Peace

Building and Conflict Resolution with a Counter Violence Extremism Component, Nutrition, Protection, Shelter & NFIs and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Education. HAPEN’s initial drive to respond and alleviate suffering began with the establishment of a pilot community-based relief and rehabilitation project, preceded by informal community networking and consultation on their need’s prioritization. Since then, HAPEN has successfully implemented over 20 projects ranging from relief and rehabilitation to development among some of the poorest communities living in the Lower Juba, Bakool and Gedo regions of Southern Somalia. The organization has built its reputation as a distinct organization with partnerships at grassroots levels, as an implementing agency and information-sharing partner.

HAPEN has clear strategies and operational policies on how it conducts its affairs and interventions covering staff and personnel welfare, operations and safety, especially in emergencies considering the insecure environment in which the organization operates. The organization works at the grassroots level to enhance the capacity of communities it works with the community to enable them to respond to their basic needs using first and foremost, their local resources. HAPEN also advocates for the plights of its target community to elicit actions on their needs and interests in the international arena. It is for this reason that HAPEN has over the years worked to consolidate its institutional capability in working with UN and international agencies operating in its operation areas and in delivering effective services to the poor communities as a reliable partner in implementation and networking. In addition to meeting the needs of the communities, the organization designs and implements its projects through participatory development model in order to empower local communities. Core areas of concern and interventions revolve around the emergency response, rehabilitation, development and advocacy.

HAPEN maintains its Headquarter office in Kismayo, the capital city of Jubaland, and also has a liaison office in Nairobi, Kenya. We also have branch offices in Afmadow, Badhaadhe (Lower Jubba), Eelbarde, Rabdhure and Atto (Bakool region), Doolow, Luuq and Garbahare
(Gedo Region) of southern Somalia. HAPEN has a Board of Directors consisting of five 5 members (3 males and 2 females) (individuals). The Board is the top most decision making arm of the organization charged with networking, fundraising, overseeing, and governance roles. The
board sits once every 3 month and in the case of extraordinary meeting, it may be called by 2/3 of BOD or the Chairperson.

HAPEN has an operating team of 20 permanent staffs in all its existing offices and over 50 contractual staffs. They are charged with the actual implementation of projects as well as the maintenance of the secretarial activities.